Monday, November 19, 2012

Jambo from Kenya!!

Hi everyone, how are you?

We have been in Kenyan now for 3 weeks. We brought our baby sister home on Mister's birthday - the 30th. She was very shy and timid at the orphanage, but is now a very happy girl.

Mister and I spent a lot of time with the babies at her orphanage, playing with them and feeding them. They are all very cute.

We are learning a lot of Swahili, as our new sister only knows Swahili, but she is learning English very fast. Here are some words in Swahili. I don't know how to spell them, so I will spell them how they sound.

Hello - Jumbo
Baby - Toe-toe
Bye - Quahairy
You - Way-way
No - Happana
Eat - Koola
Come - coocha
Here - Hoppa
Shoe - Vee-ay-ju
Food - jcoola
Hurry - twenday
up - Jue
Elephant - Endoefu
Hot - Motto
Thank you - Asantay

I will tell you more as I learn them.

A week ago we went to an island that is an hour from where we live. We saw giraffes, zebras, wildebeests, monkeys, birds, hippos (they were in the water not the land, so no danger) and Thompson Gazelles.

We also went a small Kenyan church on Sunday. We played outside while my parents were in the church. All the kids call us Mzungu, which means foreigner or white person. They like to touch my hair because it's different from theirs. We had fun playing. All the kids there surrounded us and followed us around. Our jeep got stuck on the way out and 12 Kenyan men had to push us out. It took a very long time. The mud is very sticky and heavy here when it rains.

Mister will be updating the blog in a couple days.

Miss you all!



This is Dennis in my arms - he would never let me put him down. We painted the kids' faces one day.
Taking the kids for a walk outside the orphanage.

A lady from Nelson gave us some trains and we donated them to the orphanage. All of their toys were broken. They really liked the trains.

The 3 giraffes on the left are only a couple weeks old!
Our new sister. Her name is Zahra. She is 2 years old. She is very cute!
The new Thompson family

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